The Company has the policy to pay dividends to shareholders at the rate of not less than 40% of the net profit from the Company's separate financial statements in each year after the deduction of corporate income tax and legal reserve allocation. However, the Company may consider paying a different dividend from the policy set out. It depends on the performance, financial position, and financial liquidity. and the need to use working capital for business administration and future business expansion plans including economic conditions.
No. Performance Period Payment Date Type (Baht/Unit)
Dividend Capital Reduction Total
1 01 Jan 2021 - 31 Dec 2021 20 May 22 0.16 - 0.16
2 01 Jan 2022 - 31 Dec 2022 11 May 23 0.18 - 0.34
3 01 Jan 2023 - 31 Dec 2023 10 May 24 0.15 - 0.49